Welcome to My World!

Thanks for stopping by! My name is Suzan Mayumi Turner. I'm a happy stay at home (expat) mom who does photography and theatre every time I get a chance. Here you'll find some glimpses of my life (now in Spain), my art, and my work. Feel free to drop me a line or two. I'd love to hear from you and make new friends!

Friday, August 24, 2012

My yummy Website!!!

Boys and Girls, the new Suzan Turner Photography website is live!!!!! From now on I'll be posting there, so there will be no more posts here in blogspot.

So please, change your RSS feed and the address on your blog reading list, and go check it out!!!! Let me know what you think!!!!

website: http://suzanturnerphotography.com/
blog: http://suzanturnerphotography.com/blog/

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Life with Toddler

This morning I found Nicholas under his bed! I have no idea what happened but he looked very comfortable! He is a non-stop boy even when he is asleep! Ah, life with toddler is never boring!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Viva la Musica!

I've been working on photos for Victor Padilla's CD cover for while and last night we had another photo shoot. This time Loli joined us since she recorded a song with Victor that will be featured in his album. We had a blast! This pic is one of my fave and I thought it'd go well with Plato's quote! Hope you guys like it!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Summer time!

Hey You all! I hope you're having a wonderful summer (or winter if you are bellow the Equator line:) We're doing good here in a hot summer by the beach! No complains :) I've been pretty busy traveling all over, playing with my little guy, and working on some exciting projects for the near future. But I'd like to stop by just to say hi and let you all know that soon this blog will be combined with the (upcoming) Suzan Turner Photography's website. It's something that I've been spending a lot of time on and can't wait to see what you guys think! So, stay tuned!

And here some pics of my lil guy enjoying the Aquarius in Barcelona!


Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Truck Themed Party for His 2nd Birthday!

Nicholas loves trucks so for his 2nd birthday we had a truck themed party! I made all the decorations, cake, cake pops, cupcakes, "brigadeiro", marshmallow with candy melts.... it was a lot of work but so worth it! Also we had a big road all over our living room with trucks, cars, bus....  the kids had a blast!
My fondant truck cake.... so much work!!!! But when Nicholas saw it for the first time.... oh my what a joy! 
The road started from the entrance leading to the living room where the party was!

We had some hot dogs, chips, "Tortilla" (the Spanish Omelet), popcorn, pizza, and olives. Everything was really good, thanks to "Mercadona" (A Spanish Supermarket)
Everybody seemed to be having fun!

As always we sang Happy Birthday in three languages!
Time to open the gifts!!!! Trucks, cars, play tent, clothes (yay, mommy and pappy were very happy), shoes, book, beach toy, piano, cups and plates.... WOW!!!!

Look at the sign of the first pic! So cute, this lil guy wrote it himself!   

It was a lot of work but I'd do it again just to see my little boy having fun like he had! Look at his face!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Children Photo Shoot: Ɓguilas, Spain

Dina is a cute little girl and a good friend of Nicholas. Few weeks ago I had the pleasure to snap some pics of her! She wasn't as much excited to take photos as she was to play with Nicholas' tricycle! But she is so cute that even the silly faces shots turned out good!

When I look at these photos, they bring a warm smile to my face! I hope they will do the same for you!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Portadores de Gloria

Hello you all! Just want to share a video of something I've been working on. This Saturday our theatre group from church will be for the first time evangelizing on the streets. We are very excited and thankful for this great opportunity God has prepared for us. We've been working hard these past weeks, a lot of rehearsals, prayers, fasting.... and with the help of the Holy Spirit we're ready to impact lives for his Glory. We believe this is just the beginning of great things that will be coming on our way!

So, ladies and gentlemen, I give you "Portadores de Gloria" 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Inspiring Devotional Blog

One thing that I love living in Spain is getting to meet so many interesting people from all over the world: people who live by faith, a life truly led by God, and deeply inspiring us in our walk with Jesus. Couple weeks ago, we had the pleasure to meet Christine Smith and her husband Chris both British and servants of God who in the 70s "were called in a remarkable way to take the gospel to Gypsies living in the remote caves of Almeria, Spain." -- Christine Smith in About Christine

Christine has a devotional blog which focuses on the trials and challenges in faith that we (women) may encounter. It is a great devotional resource for women. She has written also couple books that my hubby and I have been reading and enjoying them very much! Go check her blog out! Her words and experience are very inspiring for anyone who wants to be uplifted on their journey with God. 

And speaking about inspring, nothing like getting a haircut to refresh us, right? Look at my baby's "joy" as he gets his new look! At least this time we didn't need four people to contain him.