Welcome to My World!

Thanks for stopping by! My name is Suzan Mayumi Turner. I'm a happy stay at home (expat) mom who does photography and theatre every time I get a chance. Here you'll find some glimpses of my life (now in Spain), my art, and my work. Feel free to drop me a line or two. I'd love to hear from you and make new friends!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Walking on the Rainbow

Me: (feeling the BH contractions) "More,  Braxton contraction sucks....  can you imagine how the real ones gonna be?"

Keith: "Well, don't think about that.... just dream with the epidural and then walking on the rainbow..."


My man makes me laugh all the time! I'm so blessed to have a fun man cheering me up. I think he got that from his dad!

I started feeling much pain now.... the BH contractions suck big time! They say if you move the position they will go away, but it's not true for me... I know they aren't the real ones though cz I'm not out of my mind and there is no pattern as they come and go. But still, they are very uncomfortable. I wonder, if I'm not "enjoying"the fake contractions, how much will I tolerate the real ones?! Hum... my mind is not settled yet in "walking on the rainbow" but I got say it is a very attractive idea!

Eu: "More, essas contracoes de Braxton sao chatas, viu... nem consigo imaginar como serao as de verdade"

Keith: " Ah, nao se preocupe com isso.... so imagine a anestesia e depois andando no arcoiris!"

Eu: "kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk..."

Meu marido me faz dah risada o tempo todo! Eh tao bom ter alquem divertindo ao meu lado torcendo sempre por mim! Acho q ele herdou isso do pai dele!

Toh sentindo mais e mais dor... Essas contracoes falsas sao super chatas! Dizem que se mudar de posicao elas passam mas isso nao funciona pra mim... e eu sei que nao sao as de verdade pq  nao toh gritando de dor e elas nao tem uma frequencia.... Mas mesmo assim sao bem disconfortaveis! Fico pensando se ja nao toh feliz com essas contracoes, quanto sera que vou ser capaz de suportar as de verdade?! Hum,,,, ainda nao decidi em estar "andando no arcoiris" mas dah pra ver que eh uma ideia tentadora!

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