Welcome to My World!

Thanks for stopping by! My name is Suzan Mayumi Turner. I'm a happy stay at home (expat) mom who does photography and theatre every time I get a chance. Here you'll find some glimpses of my life (now in Spain), my art, and my work. Feel free to drop me a line or two. I'd love to hear from you and make new friends!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hello Again!

Hello you all! It's been a while since my last written post and I apologize for that. But I do have a good excuse... I've been so busy enjoying and exploring life here that I always postpone for mañana (tomorrow). I guess I'm already living the Spanish mañana approach : ) 
Life here has been wonderful. We found our place in a charming town called Aguilas. We also found a church and we're making some new good friends. God for sure has been blessing us and we can see his guidance throughout this journey.  

Our place is across the beach! Some thing we're very excited about it. Every day I go for a walk/jog with Nicholas. Our lifestyle definitely changed.  I pretty much don't have to drive anymore cause I can walk to do everything I want. From grocery shopping to dining out. It's been great! I go almost everyday to get fresh fruits, veggies, and bread! People here really appreciate a good food. They take their time at the table, and no kidding, stores shut down for the two hours siesta. You don't find much fast food. If you want to eat out you got to have time cause eating is a slow and relaxing activity. 
People are very laid back too. We always hear, Nao passa nada* (No problem, or that's okay, or don't worry about it). I feel like they know how to really enjoy life... choose what it is really worth to worry about and the rest just let it be. Well maybe not like that but I do feel they just don't get mad for small things as Americans and Brazilians do. 

Our church from the beginning was very welcoming! We actually found it through following strangers that soon we became friends with. We saw them walking by and we both felt like they were coming or going from/to church. We decided to follow them (I know it sounds weird but you gotta do what the Holy voice says : ) We felt at home. It's a very multicultural  church. We met people from Bolivia, Ecuador, Argentina, Holland, France, Africa, Indonesia, Spain of course, and even Brazil (seriously, Brazilians are everywhere). They were so nice that I don't think I've ever been in a church where people were so warming. And I'm from Brazil where it's known for a very warm heart culture! 

So little by little our lives are setting in. Nicholas throughout this whole transition has given us no trouble. I'm so impressed with this lil guy! He is always with a smile, making loud noises, and waving at everyone! I guess he is as happy as his parents are! Some how he got our adventure spirit!

Some "OOPS" 
- Keith almost went to jail!!!! Not really! But the security had to hand check him when the alarm went off when he was exiting the market. Some how the new sweater that I got him for father's day (Here is in March) had a little tag with an alarm on. I still don't know where it was though. They just took it off and said Nao passa nada*!

- Tapas are small sized dishes that you can eat between meals. We stopped to get a bite in a small coffee bar at Murcia. Keith ordered a tapa of tuna. Once the waitress brought it, it was pretty much tuna from a can on a white plate. Keith thought it'be something very spanish! I look at Keith and started laughing and said, If you want some tapas I can cook for you... (he got excited)... yeah, I think we got some tuna can at home!!!! 

Ps: We had a wonderful trip to Scotland.... so soon I'll be posting pics!
* No Passa Nada. My hubby read this post and corrected my Portunhol (Spanish+Portuguese : )

And here some pics from Aguilas!

going for a walk

When we found the church there was no sign! They put after we told them how we found it! I guess no more following strangers now!

My happy boy!

Oi gente! Faz tempo que nao escrevo... e em portugues! Sorry! Mas a vida aqui tem sido tao boa que sempre deixo pra depois! Acho que ja estou na filosofia mañana da Espanha.
A vida aqui tem sido maravilhosa! Encontramos um lugar pra viver numa cidade bem charmosa chamada Aguilas. Tambem encontramos uma igreja e estamos fazendo bons amigos. Deus com certeza tem nos abencoado e podemos ver Sua mao nos guiando!

Nosso ape esta de frente pra praia! Estamos bem alegres com isso! Todos os dias eu vou andar/correr com o Nicholas. Nosso estilo de vida mudou bastante comparado como era em California. Aqui e mais igual Sampa. Posso andar pra tudo. Prar fazer compras, pra comer fora.... adoro ir ao mercado comprar frutas, verduras, e o paozinho quentinho! Aqui as pessoas adoram comer. Eles gastam um bom tempo na mesa. Bem diferente dos Americanos que muitas vezes come e dirige ao mesmo tempo. Comer aqui e algo que se faz com apreciacao. Todos os dias as lojas fecham por duas horas pra almocar. Muito vao comer e depois tirar uma soneca antes de voltar ao servico!
As pessoas aqui tambem sao bem sossegadas! Sempre ouco, Nao passa nada. Acho que o pessoal aqui realmente sabe como aproveitar a vida.... escolhem o que realmente vale a pena se preocupar e o resto deixam de lado. Talvez estou exagerando um pouco, mas acho que eles nao ficam bravos com coisas pequenas como os Americanos e os Brasileiros.

Nossa igreja desde o comeco tem sido bem amavel conosco. Na verdade nos a encontramos porque resolvemos seguir umas pessoas na rua. Sentimos que eles estavam indo ou voltando de uma igreja e resolvemos segui-los. hehehe... meio estranho seguindo estranhos mas temos sempre que ouvir a voz do Espirito, neh?! Chegando la, sentimos em casa! E uma igreja bem multicutural com pessoas do Equador, Bolivia, Argentina, Holanda, Indonesia, Africa, Franca,Espanha e claro, e ate Brasil!!!! Fala serio, eu encontro Brasa todo lugar que vou!!!! Todos foram tao carinhosos e amaveis conosco. Acho que nunca fui numa igreja tao receptiva como essa! Nem no Brasil!

Entao pouco a pouco estamos nos encontrando aqui! Nicholas tem dado nenhum trabalho! Esta sempre sorrindo, fazendo barulho, dando tchau pra todo mundo... acho que ele esta tao feliz assim como seus pais!  De alguma maneira ele tem nosso espirito aventureiro!

Alguns "OOPS" (o que chamo de momentos engracados ou vergonhosos que passamos quando estamos morando num lugar novo)

-Keith quase foi preso!!!! hehehe... estou brincando! Mas ele teve que ser revistado quando o alarme do Carrefour comecou apitar quando ele saiu. Aparentemente, uma blusa que comprei pra ele para o dia dos pais (aqui e em Marco) tinha uma etiqueta com um alarme pequeno dentro. Nao faco a minima ideia o que era, mas o guardinha somente rasgou a etiqueta e disse, Nao passa nada!

- Tapas aqui sao comidas em pequenas porcoes servidas entre refeicoes. Paramos numa lanchonete em Murcia e o Keith pediu uma tapa de atum, A garconete trouxe um prato branco com atum daqueles em lata. Mais nada! Quando eu vi comecei a rir! Keith achou que seria um prato tipico espanhol e foi atum enlatado! Eu disse pra ele que se ele quisesse eu faria tapas pra ele...(ele se empolgou)... "acho que temos atum enlatado em casa"!!!!! hehehehe....

PS: Fomos pra Escocia... logo logo colocarei algumas fotos!


  1. adorei tudo Dios Los Bendiga mucho.... Beijinhos

  2. Wow these are really cool pictures Mommy - From Nicholas

  3. Dear hubby, next time you leave me a comment use your name!!!!! hehehehe... but I still love you!
