Welcome to My World!

Thanks for stopping by! My name is Suzan Mayumi Turner. I'm a happy stay at home (expat) mom who does photography and theatre every time I get a chance. Here you'll find some glimpses of my life (now in Spain), my art, and my work. Feel free to drop me a line or two. I'd love to hear from you and make new friends!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Not more recreating the past!

Last Saturday Keith and I had a wonderful time with our friends! We all went to the dog beach with their dog and their baby! Then, later we spent time playing games! I  enjoyed seeing my friend jumping around and yelling to her neighbors that she had won the Clue game after loosing so many times playing Sorry. That was a long and fun day!
Driving back home, Keith and I were talking about how much fun we had. Since it takes us at least 50 minutes to get home, we had a plenty of time to chat and I realized something: past months ago I was complaining how lonely some times it is  to live in California. The reason  I complained it wasn't because I don't have friends, but because I wanted what I had in Brazil during my single days. Most of my friends lived close by, so it was so easy to just hang out all the time. They were also single, so no responsibility holding us, besides work and school. Now, I'm married, expecting, and living in a wonderful house but far from all my new friends, well at least a 50 minutes drive. The idea of not having them all the time drove me to feel isolated for while, but lately I realized that is silly, cause I still got good friends that I know I can count on. I'm very blessed and should definitely stop complaining!

 I've seen people spending so much energy trying to recreate what they had in the past with their family and friends and I'd always had a hard time to understand them, because I'm always open to the new things! However, I've never noticed that I was doing the same thing when I had the expectation of having the exactly same relationships from my past. It is interesting how sometimes we want to hold on to our pasts so bad, working so hard to recreate those special moments, that we don't realize the wonderful life and people we have in the present! And I'm not saying those special moments ain't important! God knows how important they are! They shaped me to be who I am today; however, it's time to let them go and enjoy what I got! I'm glad I finally had my realization moment!

So, for 2010, no more recreating the past! 

And here are some pics from Saturday!



Sabado passado Keith e eu tivemos um bom tempo com os nossos amigos! Fomos pra praia de cachorro com o cachorrinho e o bebe deles! Depois, jogamos o jogo Detetite e "Sorry" (Nao sei se tem esse jogo no Brasil, mas e bem legal!) Foi engracado ver minha amiga pulando e gritando para os vizinhos que ela ganhou o jogo Detetive depois de perder varias vezes jogando Sorry. Foi um longo e divertido dia!
Voltando pra casa, Keith e eu conversamos sobre o quanto nos divertimos! Nos leva pelo menos 50 minutes pra chegar em casa da casa dos nosso amigos, entao tivemos tempo suficiente pra bater papo e pra eu perceber uma coisa: alguns meses atras, estava reclamnado o quanto solitaria  estava sentindo morando em California. A razao nao era porque nao tenho bons amigos, mas porque queria o que tinha no Brasil quando era solteira. Quase todos meus amigos moravam perto de casa entao era tao facil passar o tempo todos juntos! Alem disso, todos eram solteiros, sem nada nos segurando. Agora, sou casada, gravida, e morando numa casa maravilhosa mas longe dos meus novos amigos, pelo menos 50 minutos dirigindo. O fato de nao te-los o tempo todo perto de mim, me fez sentir um pouco isolada, porem, recentemente percebi que e bobeira, porque ainda tenho bons amigos que sei que posso sempre contar com eles! Sou muito abencoada e devo parar de reclamar!

Sempre tive dificuldade de entender as pessoas que vejo gastando tanta energia tentando recriar o passado que eles tiveram com a familia e com os amigos, porque sempre fui uma pessoa aberta pra coisas novas! Porem, percebi que estava fazendo a mesma coisa quando tive a expectativa de ter exatamente os mesmo relacionamentos que tive no meu passado. E interessante como as vezes queremos tanto viver o passado, fazendo de tudo pra recriar os momentos especiais que tivemos, que nao percebemos a vida e as pessoas boas que temos no presente. Nao que esses momentos nao sao importantes, Deus sabe o quanto eles sao! Eles me moldaram em quem eu sou hoje. mas, e hora de deixa-los e aproveitar o que tenho!

Entao, pra 2010, chega de recriar o passado!


  1. que otimo Suzan! =) Eu fico muito muito feliz quando leio seu blog! =)
    Dues abencoe!

  2. Enjoying the stories, loving the pictures!
