Welcome to My World!

Thanks for stopping by! My name is Suzan Mayumi Turner. I'm a happy stay at home (expat) mom who does photography and theatre every time I get a chance. Here you'll find some glimpses of my life (now in Spain), my art, and my work. Feel free to drop me a line or two. I'd love to hear from you and make new friends!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It's not Easy!

My lil boy started getting a lil fussy... I think more teeth are on the way. He didn't get very fussy when the first two popped through (he even slept through the nights several times) but now I can tell he is in pain. Poor guy, so young and already going through so much:) Baby's life is not easy!
And here's a cute proof of his teeth:

Meu bebe esta meio chatinho.... acho que outros dentinhos estao saindo. Ele nao ficou muito chato quando os primeiros apareceram (ate dormiu varias noites sem acordar) mas agora da pra ver que ele esta com dor. Coitadinho, tao pequeno e ja esta passando por tantas coisas:) Vida de bebe nao e facil! 

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