Welcome to My World!

Thanks for stopping by! My name is Suzan Mayumi Turner. I'm a happy stay at home (expat) mom who does photography and theatre every time I get a chance. Here you'll find some glimpses of my life (now in Spain), my art, and my work. Feel free to drop me a line or two. I'd love to hear from you and make new friends!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Where is my head...

...ache. That was my question after a fun rehearsal with the kids. I'm directing a Christmas skit with the kids and the teens from my church and every rehearsal is a blast! Tonight I had this strong headache that almost made me puke so I told them to "keep it down" (meaning, please don't yell at my ears!) because my head was about to explode. They were so supportive. After many "places", "action", "call for line", "quite back stage", and many laughs (I think even my baby was laughing with us), I totally forgot that my head was hurting. Not that it went away, because it's a constant pain, but I had so much fun with the kids that made me forget it for while. It is wonderful when we do something that we're so passionate about it! It makes us forget all the worries and pain at least for a moment. And I got say they are fabulous kids. At the beginning I thought it'd be very challenging, especially because that group had some discipline issues and mixing with my pregnancy mood, you might know the results. But after few strict rules and rehearsals they started getting engaged to the plot and learning to have fun and be respectful at the same time! That is why I believe in Arts! God gave us Art to change people's life for a better world, and I'm so grateful that I'm part of this plan!

So, for my fabulous young little actors, thank you for making me laugh so hard tonight!

Cade minha dor de cabeca? Essa foi minha pergunta depois de um ensaio tao legal com as criancas. Estou dirigindo uma peca de natal com as criancas e os adolescentes da minha igreja e cada ensaio e incrivel! Hoje, eu tive uma dor de cabeca forte que cause me fez vomitar, entao eu lhes disse pra ficarem quietos (que quer dizer, por favor nao grite no meu ouvido!) porque minha cabeca estava pra explodir, e eles foram bem compreensivos. Depois de muitos “tome seus lugares”, “acao”, “me da a fala”, “silencio atras do palco”, e muitas risadas (Eu acho que ate meu bebe estava rindo conosco) eu totalmente esqueci que minha cabeca estava doendo. Nao que foi embora, porque e uma dor constante, mas me diverti tanto com eles que me fez esquecer por alguns momentos. E tenho que dizer que elas sao criancas excelentes. No comeco achei que seria um desafio, especialmente porque eles eram um grupo com problema de disciplina e misturando com o meu genio de gravida, voce imagina o resultado. Mas depois  de algumas regras restritas e ensaios, eles comecaram  engajar na estoria e aprender a se divertir se respeitando! Por isso que acredito nas artes! Deus nos deu pra mudar vidas para um mundo melhor, e sou muito grata que posso fazer parte disso!
Entao, para meus pequenos jovens atores, obrigada por me fazer rir tanto essa noite!

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