Welcome to My World!

Thanks for stopping by! My name is Suzan Mayumi Turner. I'm a happy stay at home (expat) mom who does photography and theatre every time I get a chance. Here you'll find some glimpses of my life (now in Spain), my art, and my work. Feel free to drop me a line or two. I'd love to hear from you and make new friends!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Bye Mom... tchau mae...

My mom's last day in California.... so gorgeous!
O ultimo dia da minha mae em California... tao linda!

For my fellow actors...

Check out the Professional Artists Workshop. I have a friend attending and she said many good things about it.  It's located at the Attic Theatre in Culver City, 5429 Washington Blvd. There is a Monday night class and a Wednesday night class which are both held from 7pm-11pm; however, the Monday night class is for artists who are a little more advanced and booking acting jobs on a consistent basis; the wednesday night class is for all different levels of acting. They also have a musical artists workshop for singers and for actors who want to sing. The price is also good, $200 for every four weeks. (as an actor you've got to invest in yourself!!!) So, you should definitely give it a try if you are serious in becoming a professional actor.

And if you need head shots, www.suzanturnerphotography.com hehehe...

Saturday, October 24, 2009

11 weeks with up and down.... 11 semanas com up e down.

 I’m 11 weeks (and 1 day to be more precise) and feeling up and down. Let me start with the down side, cause I want to finish with the up :) For those that know me well, know that I try always to end optimistic!
Down: So, lately I’ve been feeling miserable. Not every day, but I could say every other day. Migraines just hit me and don’t wanna let me go! And the worse thing is the drug that I can take, Tylenol, does nothing for migraines. For a simple headache works wonders, but for the horrible pain that migraines cause is just a sugar pill! For those that never suffered from migraines, lift your hands and praise the Lord, cause it’s darn horrible. It’s like some one is pushing your eyeballs to the back of your head all day long. I had it since 8 years old. It’s not a surprise that I’d get it while pregnant too. Since my hormones are partying all over my body.

Up: The other day it was 5 am and I was awake. That has happened a couple of times since I got pregnant. I think my body is trying to get me used to when the baby comes, hehehe… Well, I couldn’t sleep so went down stairs to joy my hubby who was sipping his coffee before getting ready to work. Usually, I get very cranky when I’m up this early specially when I have no reason to, but that day I’m glad I was up.
As my hubby drank his coffee and I sipped my chocolate milk :- ) we shared our prayer time together. I’m very thankful that we can share it. It’s a special thing that always brings us closer. As we finished it, I noticed on his mug the words “Faith is” were written  and many quotes explaining faith. It reminded me how faith brought us together in the first place and it’s what keeps us together loving each other more every day. I’m glad all the pregnancy gas (disgusting, I know, sorry!) kept me awake.
Another up is now I’m about to eat some Brazilian cheese bread coming right out of the oven… that’s the up side when you can’t go back to sleep at 5 am, you have more time for fun things to do!!!

Eu estou de 11 semanas (e 1 dia pra ser mais exata) e me sentindo “up e down”. Vou comecar com o lado down porque quero terminar up:) Para aqueles que me conhecem bem, sabe que sempre tento que terminar as coisas optimistica!
Down: Esses dias tenho me sentido miseravel. Geralmente um dia sim e um dia nao. Enxaqueca me pegou e nao quer me deixar! E o pior que o remedio que posso tomar, Tylenol, nao adianta nada. Pra dor de cabeca normal funciona muito bem, mas pra dor horrivel que enxaqueca da, e como tomar pilula de acucar. Aqueles que nunca sofreram de enxaqueca, de gracas a Deus, porque e uma dor insuportavel. E como se alguem estivesse empurrando seus olhos pra atras da sua cabeca o dia todo. Eu tenho desde dos meus 8 anos. Nao e surpresa que tambem teria durante minha gravidez, ja que meus hormonios estao festejando no meu corpo.

Up: Outro dia, as 5am estava acordada. Isso tem acontecido algumas vezes desde que engravidei. Acho que meu corpo esta tentando me acostumar pra quando o bebe chegar, hehehe… Bom, nao consegui dormir entao desci pra ficar com meu marido que estava tomando café antes de se arrumar pro servico. Geralmente, eu fico de mau humor quando acordo tao cedo, especialmente quando nao tenho razao pra acordar, mas fico feliz que nesse dia levantei cedo.
Enquanto meu marido tomava café e eu meu leite com chocolate :-) compartilhamos nosso tempo de oracao juntos. Sou grata por isso. E algo especial que sempre nos aproxima. Quando terminamos, percebi que na chicara dele estava escrito “Fe e” e varias citacoes do que significa fe. Me fez recordar que fe foi o que nos aproximou e e o que nos matem juntos amando um ao outro mais todos os dias. Estou feliz que os gases de gravidez (nojento, eu sei, sorry) me despertou.
Outra coisa “up” e que vou comer pao de queijo quentinho saindo do forno… isso e o lado bom de quando nao se consegue dormir as 5 am, voce tem mais tempo pra fazer coisas legais!

PS. Eu sei que esta sendo dificil ler meu portugues sem os acentos! Desculpa gente, mas e que meu teclado nao esta configurado e leva um ano pra colocar os acentos pelo computador. Sorry!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wanna give up? Watch this! Quer desisitir? Assista isso!

"If I fail I try again and again and again . . .  it's not the end. It matters how you're gonna finish. Are you going to finish strong?" That's the Strength I talked about in my last post! No matter how hard things can be, God gives us strengh to overcome them!

"Se eu falhar, tentatrei novamente e novamente e novamente. . . Nao e o fim. O que importa e como voce vai terminar. Voce terminara forte?" Essa e a forca que falei no meu ultimo post! Nao importa o quao dificil as coisas sao, Deus nos da a forca pra supera-las!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

10 weeks.... 10 semanas....

I'm around 10 weeks and 3 days. We're all doing fine, although on Sunday I started feeling some heartburn and a strong headache (Migraines always loved me). My friend Hellen was at home and poor girl, I couldn't even give her all the love that I usually do, cause I was miserable laying on the floor for the whole day! (Sorry girl, I'll make it up to you soon!hehehe...) But besides all the normal pregnancy symptoms, I've been very optimistic! Yes, I'm dreaming how my baby will look like, how we're going to raise him/her, how to teach to love God and respect one another, and specially how to make a difference in this world. Yes, I'm a typical mom-to-be dreaming and dreaming. I pray that God gives us wisdom to raise a person capable to embrace life with love and courage. I know being parents is not an easy task, but I believe that God gives us the strength when needed to deal with all those things that are hard in this journey, and raise a kid is one of that. So, yes, I'll keep being optimistic, cause I know when the hard times come, when I'll loose my mind for not sleeping well, or when the exhaustion of being a parent will just overwhelm me, I know I'll be able to call my Strength and we'll be fine.

PS: People are asking me if we already picked some names... well, we have some in mind, but I'm open for suggestions!

Eu estou com +ou- 10 semanas e 3 dias. Estamos bem, apesar que no domingo eu comecei ter asia e dor de cabeca (enxaquecas sempre me amaram!). Minha amiga Hellen estava em casa e coitada, nem consegui dar todo love que geralmente dou, porque eu fiquei deitada no chao o dia inteiro. Mas, alem dos simtomas de gravides que sao normais, eu estou bem optimistica! Sim, fico sonhando como meu bebe vai ser, como vamos educa-lo, como ensina-lo a amar a Deus e respeitar uns aos outros, e especialmente como fazer a diferenca nesse mundo! Sim, eu sou a mamae tipica que vive sonhando e sonhando. Oro pra que Deus nos de sabedoria pra crescer uma pessoa capaz de enfrentar a vida com amor e coragem. Sei que ser pais nao e uma tarefa facil, mas acredito que Deus nos da forca quando necessitamos pra lidar com as coisas difficeis nessa jornada, e crescer uma crianca e uma delas. Entao, sim, continuarei sendo optimistica, porque eu sei quando as dificuldades aparecerem, quando eu perder minha mente por nao dormir bem, ou quando a exaustao de ser pais me bater. eu sei que poderei chamar minha Forca e tudo estara bem!

PS: As pessoas estao me perguntando se ja temos nomes em mente... well, temos alguns, mas estamos abertos pra sugestoes!

Welcome to the world, Gabriel! Ben vindo ao mundo, Gabriel!

This big guy was only 6 days old. He was born weighing 11 pounds. He is so cute and I had so much fun during the photo shoot thanks to Ana and Marconi. May God always bless your family!

Esse bebe tinha somente 6 dias de vida. Ele nasceu pesando 11 libras. Ele e tao fofo e eu me diverti tanto durante o a sessao de fotos gracas a Ana e ao Marconi! Que Deus sempre abencoe sua familia!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tum-tum, tum-tum, tum-tum...

Today was our first ultrasound and there are no words enough to describe the explosion of emotions felt. It’s real, there is another heart beat inside of me, and a strong one, 171 bits per minute. The baby is around 3cm, and my due date is for May 14th. When the doctor showed us the baby, he or she jumped to greet us, “It’s already an active baby”, said D. Channell. My baby jumped and turned upside down to let us know everything was fine! Keith, (my hubby for those who don’t know), said the baby was probably doing crazy movements like I do in theatre! Yeah, plus I was a very active child so I guess the baby already got it from me.
When I heard the heart beat I cried! I know, it’s not anything new, I cry easily, specially now with all this hormones changing, but it felt so incredible! Not only the picture was very clear, but the sound was so darn good. It made everything feels so much more real. It’s a miracle to know that there is a life growing inside of me.

Hoje foi nossa primeira ultrasom e na ha palavras pra descrever a explosao de emocoes que senti. E de verdade, ha um outro coracao dentro de mim, e forte, 171 batidas por minuto. O bebe mede + ou - 3 cm, e a data prevista pra nascer sera dia 14 de maio. Quando o doutor nos mostrou o bebe, ele(a) pulou pra nos comprimentar, “e um bebe ja ativo” o medico disse. Meu bebe pulou e virou cambalhotas pra nos avisar que tudo estava bem! Keith, (meu marido, pra quem nao o conhece) disse que o bebe provavelmte estava fazendo os movementos malucos como eu faco no teatro! Yeah, alem disso eu era uma crianca ativa, entao acho que o bebe ja esta me puxando.
Quando ouvi o coracao batendo eu chorei. Eu sei que nao e nenhuma novidade, pois choro facilmente, especialmente agora com esses hormonios, mas foi um sentimento incrivel! Nao somente a foto era bem visivel, mas o som era tao bom. Fez tudo parecer mais real ainda! E um milagre saber que ha uma vida crescendo dentro de mim.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tomorrow.... amanha....

Tomorrow is our first ultrasound!!! Yeah! I'm so excited! Check it out tomorrow to find out more!

Amanha sera nossa primeira ultrasound! Estou tao feliz! Checa amanha meu blog pra saber mais!

Hiking Time!!! (Trilha!!!!)

On Saturday, we went hiking at Mt Baldy! Spectacular views! California is just an amazing state! I'm so blessed to live here! We got breath taken mountains and beautiful beaches (of course, not like the Caribbean and Brazilian ones, but they’re nice too). There is no way to not fall in love with it! I felt so good taking the time to contemplate God's creation, it always helps me to appreciate His majesty and creativity!

No sabado, fomos fazer trilha no Monte Baldy! Vista espetacular! California e simplesmente um estado incrivel! E muita bencao viver aqui. Temos montanhas de tirar o folego e praias lindas (e claro que nao sao como as do Caribe e as do Brazil, mas elas sao boas tambem). Nao tem como nao se apaixonar! Me senti tao bem ao contemplar a criacao de Deus. Isso sempre me ajuda a apreciar Sua majestade e criatividade!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Check it out!

Since I started in photography, I've been following some awesome photographers blog, one of them is Photography by Amy-Rose King. She is an amazing photographer and I've been learning so much from her. I emailed her couple of times with questions and she was always very helpful! Now, she has this awesome contest for her PS actions. I'm really rooting for myself to win! If you are around Lubbock, Texas you should definitely check it out, or if you just want to get inspired by an amazing art, that is the right place!

Desde que comecei em fotografia, tenho seguido alguns blogs de fotografos que sao maravilhosos, e um deles e Photography by Amy-Rose King. Ela e uma fotografa incrivel e tenho aprendido tanto com ela. Eu mandei alguns emails com perguntadas sobre fotografia e ela sempre foi bem prestativa! Atualmente, ela tem uma competicao pra PS actions. Estou torcendo pra ganhar! Se voce mora em Lubbock, Texas voce tem que checar o trabalho dela, ou se quer somente se inspirar numa arte maravilhosa, de uma olhada no site!

9 weeks pregnant and feeling fabulous! (9 semanas gravida e me sentindo fabulosa!)

Yeah, today I'm 9 weeks pregnant and my little peanut is now the size of a grape! To celebrate I took some self-portraits! Enjoy!

Pois e, hoje completo 9 semanas que estou gravida e meu pequeno amendoim agora esta do tamanho de uma uva! Pra comemorar, eu tirei alguns autoretratos! Aproveitem!

Friday, October 9, 2009

So I decide to blog...

Yes, I'm blogging! I'm opening my life as a book, so you can read it! The reason behind it is because I want to share this wonderful stage of my life with those that care enough to come here and read it!
Family and friends have been asking me how I'm doing with my pregnancy... and it's been hard to keep everyone informed, so here you'll be able to follow me, to laugh with me or at me, share some tears of joy or frustration, or just see life the way I see. I'll be writing in two languages, at least I'll try my best to do so, English for my people in America and Portuguese for my people back home!

Sim, eu estou fazendo um blog! Estou abrindo minha vida como um livro para que voce possa ler! A razao por de tras disso e porque eu quero compartilhar esse momento especial da minha vida com aqueles que se importam o bastante pra vim aqui e ler. Familia e amigos tem me preguntado como eu tenho passado com minha gravidez... e esta sendo dificil manter todos atualizados, por isso aqui voce podera me acompanhar, dar risadas comigo ou de mim, compartilhar algumas lagrimas de alegria ou frustracao, ou somente ver a vida do jeito que eu a vejo. Estarei escrevendo em duas linguas, pelo menos tentando o melhor que posso, Ingles para os meus gringos e Portugues paro o meu povao!